So even though I knew there was something released for Flash CS3 today, it might not be too obvious when it comes to actually finding out about it and installing it and such. Without further ado, what you should do: Make sure you have the right Flash Player, 9.0.2: Install the AIR Runtime: […]
Making a button work in Flash CS3, CS4 or CS5 with ActionScript 3.0 – it’s not too bad
So I used to monitor comments coming in from the CS3 Video Workshop, which contains a few hundred video tutorials on the CS3 products. Some of the comments that came in regarding the Flash videos was how people were having frustrations about how to set up button code with ActionScript 3.0. I thought that’s where […]
Welcome to Flashthusiast!
So the world needs another Flash blog, that’s what I said. Hi. Welcome to yet another blog on Flash. But hey, have you noticed a lot of blogs have gone from talking about Flash to talking about Flex? or Air? or… you know, things that aren’t Flash anymore and not nearly as cool and awesome […]
Presenting video with the Flash video component in Dreamweaver
The Adobe Flash video component in Adobe Dreamweaver helps you easily insert and display video files in your websites. It’s great for Dreamweaver users who are unfamiliar with Flash because you can insert Flash video (FLV) files on your web pages without actually using the Flash authoring tool. The Flash video component enables you to […]