Another Liveblogging endeavor at MAX 2008. Here are the notes from the Day 1 General Session keynote. Here ensues notes from the sneak peeks and awards. If it’s Tuesday night between 6 and 7pm or so, PST, click refresh. Otherwise, click the link below (if applicable) to read more. By the way, I’m drinking beer. […]
Adobe MAX
Motion source FLA files for MAX presentation (Flash CS4 from Flash QE team)
This morning I presented about how you can use some of the preset eases in Flash to create animation really quickly. This post provides a real quick overview about how I built the files, and has the source FLAs for you to look at in Flash CS4.
Liveblogging MAX 2008 Day 1 General Session Keynote – Click Refresh!
So get ready for yet another liveblog, this year from Flashthusiast (as I can’t stick with the same blog it seems). I hope my battery lasts the morning. The excitement is in the air. It’s palpable. We’re listening to Panic at the Disco of all things. People who are not me are taking pictures. Runes […]
Adobe MAX and motion tweens: a perfect combination, better than PB&J even
If you want to learn about new motion tweens in Flash, and you’re going to be at Adobe MAX, you’re in luck. I’ll be giving a short presentation as part of the QE team session, and we’ll be at the Flash birds of a feather session. This isn’t in the MAX session guide so I […]