Many people want to start making money on their blog, but how do you get started when your blog is new? It’s probably not too realistic to start making money right away, but thinking about it when you start is a great goal to have. So if your blog is brand new, here’s what you […]
Digital Marketing
Keynote about Professional Blogging, great tips for bloggers: Day 1 Keynote from BlogPaws
The original liveblog notes from this keynote were published at this post on Speakers: Dino Dogan Lena West Chloe DiVita Dino and Chloe: How did you get here in your business life? Chloe: Have an accounting degree. Before BlogPaws, had an accounting company. Liked things Going to BlogPaws via mom. Blogged before about small businesses, work […]
Monetizing your Blog – Session notes from Blogging Conference
Liveblog notes from a presentation by Susan Getgood of Getgood Strategic Marketing. Note: This post originally appeared as a liveblog post on I wrote these liveblog notes at BlogPaws Conference 2014, an event for professional pet bloggers. The following is a cleaned up (slightly edited) version of the notes from this session. The Three Rs: Revenue Reputation Recognition […]
Facebook Pages vs Groups by #Tripawds: Liveblog notes from conference session
Here is another BlogPaws Liveblog session. This session is Facebook Pages vs Groups: Maximizing Reach and Engagement with your Facebook Fans. Note: This post originally appeared as a liveblog post on I wrote these liveblog notes at BlogPaws Conference 2014, an event for professional pet bloggers. The following is a cleaned up (slightly edited) version of […]
How to Amplify your Bark across Digital Media (BlogPaws Liveblog session)
Presentation by Brian Easter, CEO of – Digital Marketing Agency Note: This post originally appeared as a liveblog on I wrote this liveblog at BlogPaws Conference 2014, an event for professional pet bloggers. These are the cleaned up (slightly edited) notes from that session. Introduction Human centered – they take a few passion projects. For […]