Last Updated on October 14, 2008
The little picture of the box in the store says “Now Available” next to it – so it looks like you can buy it. (I’m looking at the United States store, so take that for what its worth)
You can go buy Flash CS4.
Do it.
And then tween something.
Backbone Design says
I just bought Flash CS4 for the Mac and it is extremely slow. Using OS X 10.5.5 I opened up a file in Flash CS4 that I have been working on in CS3 and the file takes 70 seconds to open. Then when I try and double click to edit my main movieclip — which has about 4k frames — it takes about 20 seconds to edit. In CS3 the same files takes 2 seconds to open and less than a second to edit any movieclip. Anyone else experiencing slowness?